Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Boom Roasted

Blog is now at http://blakemitchellweb.com.
Not much difference but I dropped the www and took off the folder at the end.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Thanks Google

If you want to see the blog for the real Blake Mitchell, not some washed up before he started collegiate quarterback and a university that wishes it had a football program or some skank that has sex on video for money, the Blake Mitchell who is quite the genius, who is a proud southerner and is from Alabama, who is a rabid football fan, who daily conquers conventional southern stereotypes by being brilliant, who once ran a grocery store and was one of the youngest to ever get to that level, who had the nerve to quit that job in order to go back to school and pursue his degree in Computer Science, who is not afraid to laugh in the face of conventional sentence structure well you are on the right path.

There was once http://digitalnauseum.blogspot.com. It was intended to be a tech blog, but I grew bored with that. Now I have a blog on a standalone website located at http://www.blakemitchellweb.com/blog. Of course you can go to the parent site www.blakemitchellweb.com but as I type this there is nothing there except for a pretty picture and some links.

I made this blog just to wrap up the url, serve as a redirect to my real blog, and maybe even help to push my blog further up on search engines. You see finding me is not the easiest thanks to the preciously mentioned impostor "Blake Mitchells".

Thanks for your time, and lets hook up on this social networking garbage.

and so am I. I have accounts everywhere and rarely use any of them.







